Christmas Lighting

Christmas Lighting

An economic and social stimulus.

Christmas lighting is becoming more of an integrated cultural strategy for city councils, local authorities and businesses. It’s tagged in with marketing principles and objectives, fostering local urban, social and economic development. There’s a bigger picture being painted that also incentivises retail sales and capturing tourism.

Christmas lighting is not a cost, it’s an investment

Christmas lighting projects have such a positive impact on all walks of life and is socially accepted. It encourages local people to feel part of their village, town or city.

The ARRO creators have delivered many successful projects within the Christmas lighting industry since 2004 and have put in place all the tools necessary to support your journey.

Christmas Project examples
  • Christmas Slide 1

    56m tall Christmas Tree

  • Christmas slide2

    Christmas themed projections on Norwich City Hall

To summarise our services:
  • Supply
  • Design and Supply
  • Installation
  • Storage
  • Maintenance
  • Project Management

We're supported by a global manufacturer and have an official partnership in place. We only work with the highest quality product to ensure you receive value, maximum visual effect and product longevity, however we work smart to keep our prices very competitive.

So, whether you are a community, a town or city council, a business, a retailer a shopping centre it doesn't matter we mould our services around you, objectives and budget.

Look at our 'About Us' page and you'll have a better understanding of what we are set out to achieve. For is it's about pushing boundaries with modern thinking however keeping in mind originality. We want to capture emotions and connect with the audience and deliver unique projects with meaning and value

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